Access Keys:

St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


The school uniform is available from School Days Ltd, 48 Belmore St, Enniskillen BT74 6AA18. It helps if your child can readily identify their belongings; therefore, we strongly advise that you please label your child’s items of clothing clearly.

Boys Girls
Navy trousers/navy shorts
Navy tracksuit bottoms
Navy sweatshirt with logo  
Yellow polo shirt with logo 
Navy skirts/navy shorts 
Navy tracksuit bottoms   
Navy sweatshirt with logo
Yellow polo shirt with logo 
Blue and white gingham summer dress

A navy coat with a school logo is also available (but not essential).

NB: Pupils are not allowed to tracksuit bottoms with logo, or leggings. We would appreciate your compliance in this matter.